Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just what I needed


This little city just seems to have the ability to revive me! This past weekend, Mom, Amber, Aubrey and myself decided to take a day trip to this amazing city and we had a blast. We ate luch at Jekyl and Hyde, which is where the pictures are taken from, and then went down canal street to do some shopping.

Why is it that purses have the ability to make me so happy?
Simply little things in life...

The sad thing was we were only able to be up there one day and one night. Next time I think we are going to have to stay longer!

Monday, December 28, 2009

A lot can change in one year...

It would seem that I have not posted for almost a year now, and I must say that a lot has changed since then. I am sure that a detailed explanation is needed but the honest truth is, I don't feel like getting into it.

So...instead here is a list of new year resolutions:
1. Be happy... it has been a hard year and I just want to leave all of that stress behind me
2. Hang up all of my pictures in my apartment
3. Finish up all my craft projects that I have started and never finished ... really make a little time for myself

I think starting with 3 is realistic, for me anyway.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Yup, you read right, I am in Delaware! Here is the story... I have been trying to find a job in Minnesota since before we moved out there and I just wasn't having anything open up to me. So after hearing from almost every human resource representative out there that my chances of finding a job were slim, we decided that I would apply to jobs in Delaware. After applying to only 4 jobs I got an interview, which worked out. So I packed up the girls and drove yet again to Delaware, only this time I did it straight through. How did I do that you ask? Easy, I have the most wonderful little girls ever! They didn't cry or fight at all. Maggie helped Molly get toys from the bags that I packed and they shared with each other. They were perfect angels! We have been here for about 3 weeks now, and we love it! Maggie and Molly see there cousins almost everyday and they have become best friends. We are living at my moms house right now and the girls love being with Grandma every chance they get. Steve is still in Minnesota working on school, but we have already planned some trips for him to come out. The job I got is at A. I. DuPont Children's Hospital, which is an amazing hospital, but the best part is that the benefits can't be beat. My girls are %100 covered till they are 19 for nothing. I don't pay anything for their coverage. This has been such a blessing, and we are so grateful that I was able to get a job and that my mom was willing to open her home to us and help us out so much. I don't have a camera right now but I will soon and then I will post more. I promise!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas tree fun

We have had our tree up for a little while now but I thought that I would share the festivites with everyone. We went to a tree stall by our house, stepped out of the car with M & M and thought that we were going to freeze right then and there. We beelined it to the right size tree and picked one in 1.4 sec. We paid and had the tree in the truck in less then 15 sec. It was too cold to do it any other way. The funny thing is that since it is so cold out here you can't really tell what the tree is going to look like since it is frozen closed. So we prayed that when we got it home and it thawed that is would be a pretty tree. The girls had a blast decorating the tree and here are some pictures so you too can enjoy!

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 19, 2008

My little snow angels

So, the weather here has been freezing, but before it got to be unbearable we did venture outside to enjoy some snow.

You can see we really had to bundle them well. Poor Molly had a hard time walking she was so bundled up.

The girls were so excited to not only be playing in the snow but to just be outside, the cold weather prevents us from going out often.

Maggie loved making snow angels, it was pretty funny watching her try and stand up afterwards. She had such a hard time because of her snow suit. We were rolling on the ground.

Molly trying to make snow angels. How cute is she?!

We weren't able to stay out very long, it was freezing, actually below freezing but the little time that we were out, they had an awesome time!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Miles driven: 2300 Hours in car: 44 Being able to spend 2 weeks with Grandma: Priceless

So I am sure you are all wondering where I disappeared to, well the answer is Delaware!!! After still not being able to find a job and kind of just sitting around with nothing to do except stress about everything, my mom and I figured out a way for me and the girls to drive out to Delaware to visit and have a vacation. So a few weeks ago we packed up the car, the girls and myself and drove out. We stopped in Columbus Ohio, about half way and stayed at Steve's sisters house so that I wouldn't be driving all night. It was good for them to see the girls. We stayed at my sister Ambers house with her two boys, Shawn and Asher. The kids had a BLAST, though bed time was a challenge. It took a good couple days to figure something out to get them all to go to sleep and even after that we struggled. The kids played great the whole time and they were so sad when it was time to head back to Minnesota. I also enjoyed my time out there. I just always have a so much fun with my mom and sisters and this time was no exception. I got to meet some new friends and catch up with some old friends, some that I hadn't seen in like 8 years! It was a much needed vacation, especially for me. I took tons of pictures and will post them with some really cute and funny stories.

Here are the cousins playing so nicely
Stay posted for more...

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween was a blast this year. Last year we were only able to trick or treat at a few houses and it was just Steve and I and the girls, so it was a little lonely. This year we went to my Uncle Doug and Aunt Heathers house to trick or treat with their kids and it was a lot of fun. They had a great neighborhood and their neighbors gave out good candy. Maggie and Molly had so much fun. When we left at 9pm they both cried, they wanted to stay. All in all it was a great Halloween.

Maggie and Molly in their costumes. Maggie is Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Molly is a sweet pea.

This was the only picture that I could get with Molly actually wearing the hat, she looked so cute and what you can't see is that she is wearing little green crocs that match perfectly.

The cape that Maggie is wearing I made!! I think it turned out pretty well for someone that doesn't really sew.

All of the kids dressed up for Halloween.

Maggie showing off her spoils of the night.

Maggie and her cousin Abby, couldn't get from one house to the other fast enough. They were so cute. Abby was a bit faster then Maggie so Maggie would run after her yelling Abby here I come. It was adorable to watch.

Daddy and Molly enjoying trick or treating. Molly was the cutest little girl. She would go up to the door and say trick or treat and then grab as much candy as she possibly could. She tried to eat all the candy as we were out and when she was holding a candy and got to another door, she would put that candy down into the candy bowl so she could get another one. We joked that she was candy swapping.

After trick or treating Uncle Doug and Aunt Heather treated us to a delicious triple chocolate cake for mine and Steve's birthday. It was really good!

After all the festivities the kids went into the living room and Alex turned on Aerosmith ( his favorite music) and all the kids were dancing in the living together, it was hilarious. Notice Maggie with her arms crossed? My Uncle showed her how to be cool when she dances.

What are they doing you ask? The worm of course!